How to use vSAN modules for community.vmware with AnsibleIn this article, I’ll explain how to use vSAN modules for community.vmware.Mar 30, 2021Mar 30, 2021
How to do Ansible role test with the molecule in KVMIn this article, I explain to do Ansible role test with the molecule in KVM. In the molecule, the driver exists for the libvirt, but that…Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
How to use VMware driver with MoleculeWe needed to use the delegated driver to create a test instance if using Molecule when executing Ansible role test in VMware vSphere…Jan 14, 2021Jan 14, 2021
Let’s do a test of Ansible Role in OpenStack with the moleculeIn this article, I introduce how to a role test for Ansible in OpenStack with the molecule.Jan 6, 2021Jan 6, 2021